Friday, December 5, 2008

In the beginning.

So, what has happened since the end of undergraduate and the beginning of PA school. Many things - most of which I have already forgotten, but hopefully as I write I will remember.
I graduated on cinco de mayo and it was such a blur. I don't think I was scared because I already knew what I was doing afterwards but it was much scarier for most of my friends. I couldn't imagine what it would be like to leave such a cushioned environment and throw yourself out into the real world. My time is coming soon enough but I would have been horrified. We all survived but I'm glad I made plans.
I had 25 days - yes, only 25- before I started PA school in Arizona. My family and I went on a cruise out of NYC. It was awesome and kinda sad because I blew all of my money but c'est la vie. I moved to AZ just before the month ended and with the help of my mother and grandparents, I furnished a new apartment and was ready for school. I was scared and sad. I think I cried more than ever before when my family and I parted ways. My grandpa started the whole thing - he never cries which caught us all off and then it spiraled from there.
Anywho, move complete and apartment full of Ikea - I prepared for the longest journey to date. The dreaded gross anatomy and physiology. To be continued...

PA school Tips: (yes, even before I got to PA school I had/ have tips)
  1. Give yourself time (or don't). The best thing to do is cool off before PA school. Get it out of your system. Pound some beers, visit friends, lay on a beach. Savor time because you must be ready.
  2. Decide whether its better to live alone or with a roommate before you start. It'll make your life easier.
  3. Be prepared to scout out every coffee shop in a 20 mile radius of your house - consider it a pre-emptive strike. You'll thank me if you do.

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