Sunday, December 7, 2008

First quarter: Now and then.

Ok, so the first quarter of PA school was scary. Embarking on that journey was scary. In the first two days you are bombarded with information. Don't bother to try and digest all of it, just things you think are important. Use some discretion (not discrimination like my friends today said by mistake - oh, nursie.) I'd liken the first quarter orientation to getting pulled (til your joints pop out) in 2 opposite directions. They tell you - its going to be so hard, the hardest thing ever, harder than ever before, difficult beyond measure yadayadayada... and the others tell you - relax, you'll get through it, you'll be fine, it won't kill you. I'll tell you right now, don't freak out but don't blow it off. First quarter is mind over matter guys - psychologically take PA school by the balls and don't let up. You control the program, don't let the program control you. Anatomy and Biochem are going to be hard, but never skip a lunch break or snack break to cram a few more facts. They almost never work and you need to feed yourself and caffeinate yourself in order to digest those facts anyways. I have no good things to say about which class is harder or easier, which is better or worse. Just learn - its not the first time you've heard it and its not going to be the last. Breathe. Just breathe through the first quarter. I made myself sick over studying and I got so stressed I had to go to the doctor for some muscle relaxers and narcotics to stop a headache. Don't do this - just chill. Take your time, learn the information.

Take home points from first quarter PA school:
1- don't listen to anyone who thinks they know whats coming or what you should do. Do your thing, explore how it works for you. Sift through the bullshit and arrive at spot of oneness with the chaos.
2 - Anatomy is your friend, not your foe. Have fun with it - make songs, dances, flashcards and color coded snacks if you want. After a while, staring at a page 5-6 times is not going to work.
3 - Please make friends and try and go have a drink or watch a movie or cook something on the weekend. Take a break and a mind vacation.

Back to reality,
This weekend was interesting. I came to the realization that us medical types are a glutton for punishment. I'm currently overbooked with work and play and cannot stop planning for myself. Its a disease that I'm trying to cure myself of. Type A may get you places in life, but it won't get you rest thats for sure. I'm either exhausted from work or fun, and even both. This weekend was an exhaustive amount of fun and now I'm tired and have to go to work.
I was thinking about the quote "You can sleep when you are dead" and "When I ever stop moving I'll be dead" and other quotes like that and wonder if its good or bad. Do we accomplish more or less when we get overbooked...
Side note: I saw Twilight today. I'm not ashamed and I'm glad I can laugh about how silly it is to be reading about vampires and teenage girls. Its not really surprising that I kinda liked it though. Its refreshing from work and the news. So then, I'll declare it with pride.

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