Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Anemia of the soul...

Ever think about how bizarre it is that we give blood transfusions?
Dont get me wrong, I think its great that we can save lives with transfusions but I think we forget how significant it is to pass our blood on to another person. There is this really interesting point about how the beginning of life begins when blood starts to flow through the body. I'm not sure if I think this is correct, but I think its thought provoking.
If this happens to be true, are we passing part of our life, our soul, along to another person? The implications of this and its effect on the soul could be quite profound.
As healthcare providers, we forget about the implications of what we do, especially in the realm of the "supernatural". The spirituality of our patients is significantly effected regardless of religion by what we do. When did they ever talk about that in school? I find myself wondering how things would be different if we practiced with a focus on mental health first, bodily health second. Would we have prescriptions for mental health, spiritual awareness and peace of mind. What if our industry was built around this? Weird.

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