Wednesday, March 25, 2009

When bioterrorism takes over the world, I'm going to hunt zombies instead of being a PA...

So, this post is going to be a motley crue of ideas. I've got a bunch of things floating around in my mind right now so I'm just going to write until I feel like its mostly gone. Plus I can't sleep which is a rare occasion so I'm going to take advantage of it.

First order of business... I just turned 24. Probably the most anticlimactic birthday ever - to be honest. I felt like the general theme of this birthday was "I'd rather wipe my ass then do something for your birthday". hahaha. Me and my roomate coined that term when like 5 people bailed out of my birthday dinner with the lamest excuses ever. Its so funny because I know many people care about me, but they sure have a funny way of showing it sometimes. I think I'm not bitter or angry anymore but I keep making this list of people in my mind that didn't even text me to say happy birthday... the list is getting longer and longer - and its really irregular too. Some of my closest friends totally forgot and some of my friends who I barely speak to called me. I'm not even sure what to think anymore. I honestly am not seeking a pity party but I think I just want to use this outlet to say "What the f*ck people?" Aah, I already feel better. or maybe worse. I'm not sure yet. I guess it will all work itself out and I'll come to peace with my situation right now but its a little emotional.

The second realm of thoughts is a reflections on fantasy and reality and how they begin to melt together when you fill your life with too much entertainment, be it books, movies or music. I was reflecting on this because of Edward Cullen. Yes, Edward Cullen everyone. I admit, I did read the Twilight series, which I consider a pock mark on my reading list, but I read it nonetheless. While reading it, and after, I have been reflecting on how the book is ruining my chances with girls and how the reality of junior highers is being changes drastically. Not necessarily by Twilight but by whats behind it. My general fear is this: that more and more, entertainment is distorting our way to see the real world and what we expect of it. I know this idea isn't new but I need to comment on it as I have been pondering it for a while now. Point in case, junior high girls who have become obsessed with Twilight now expect to meet their soul mate who is (ironically) supposed to be the combination of a 150 man who is educated, suave, romantic and very mature but who also looks like a super model and is edgy and sexy. Twilight has distorted the expectations even more than the description I just gave. It scares me to think that girls are starting to expect real men to be like Edward Cullen. Not that girls shouldn't have fantasy about the perfect guy, but I guess I just wonder if girls are missing out on something great and REAL because they sit in their rooms pretending to be Bella while there is something great just a block away. I'm definitely not going to blame Stephanie Meyer for my romantic debacles and the fact that I'm not dating right now, but the book and movie really got me thinking about how I have so many false expectations about love and romance and sex because of the media. I think its the most frightening because most of what the media has told me about life has turned out to be the opposite of truth. It seems like this Edward Cullen business is the new, chic-er version of the knight in shining armour business now that I think about it. Either way, I think life is just a mess and sometimes if we abuse entertainment and use it as an escape, we can be drastically let down by it in the end.
Thirdly, I'm working on an eating makeover and I'm not sure what it looks like yet. I'm letting my intuition guide me but its going to mostly be based on a book by Michael Pollen called "In defense of Food". The generally premise is "Eat food, not too much, mostly vegetables". We'll see where it takes me but I'm trying to eat real food - which is the idea behind the eating makeover. I guess its comparable to the raw diet but not as extreme. We'll see where it goes...

El Pasado: Ok, so I'm trying to get back on track with the whole "writing about PA school and comprehensively leaving advice so if another PA student reads this they might actually get something from it..." so anyways, I left off at Spring quarter. Now you are onto rotations and your second year: which is a craps shoot at best. Most of the programs do it differently which means that you could have really awesome rotations for your second year or you could have really awful rotations or a mix, which you will probable end up with. The thing is that everyone thinks differently of rotations so it will all be relative in the end. First things first though, take a breath and relish in the fact that you just finished the first year and you are pretty much home free from here on out. Its gonna get so much better - I promise. It goes by faster and you learn way more than you could ever imagine. Everything is going to be fine from here on out - just as long as you dont get kicked out or get pregnant.
My first rotation was pediatrics which was a good one to start out with. Start small, finish big is the general idea. Small people as I'm going to call them are both easy and hard. Parents can be totally inflammatory, especially new parents but if you can schmooze the parents you can pretty much do anything. If you are not a kid person, just fake it and they will love you. The more googily you are the better. Here are five things that I'm going to tell you about Pediatrics so I can be done and go to bed: 1- Give antibiotics even if you dont think they need them. Point in case - a little amoxicillin never hurt anyone and most bugs are resistant anyways. So if you think the patient doesn't need it, please all the worried moms out there anyways. If you think its a real infection than give out something better. You'll get the hang of it. 2- not every child is f-ing allergic to PCN! Just because they got a rash, dont blame it on the PCN. Most rashes are related to post viral infections anyways so take a chill pill parents. 3- Most of the visits there is nothing wrong and make sure to learn how to get around that from your doctor. They all know little ways to make the patient feel like they got something even if the kid is fine. Learn home remedies and OTC treatments. 4- Parents will probably not let you do a bunch of stuff on their kid and its ok. I got pissed and I realize now that it wasn't worth it. 5- Vaccination schedules are impossible but if you have to learn them, learn from the MA's. They are geniuses and your best friend.

Thats it kids. I think I'm finally tired.

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