Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I had to write "YUMA" in capital letters to express the fact that I just want to yell it out. I need to get it out of my system because I'm going back there soon. Why you ask? Why must I go to Yuma. In a word, Money. I need money - badly. Its strange, but I'm going to be chasing money for the majority of my life. I already have bills and no paycheck. Bizarro.
Right now - I'm living in limbo. I always feel like I write the most when I'm in a strange place in my life. Limbo. The transitional time where I'm not particularly busy but going almost mad trying to move on with my life.
Its funny - being done with grad school doesn't mean anything anymore. Not a damn thing, if you ask me. Its just an illusion of having completed something... the funny part is that is just a step in a million others that come after it.
So, I'm going to Yuma. I keep trying to t tell myself that I can deal with living there. I keep thinking things like "oh, there is at least a Target and a Costco" and "I'll just drive to San Diego on the weekends." I'm having to convince myself along with everyone else that its going to be fine but I really have no clue. I guess this is the next sacrifice/ compromise in a long line of them. But who knows, it could be my permanent home.
Now thats a strange concept - permanence. Can you imagine living somewhere for the rest of your life? I sure can't... but it never ceases to amaze me how people can never leave a place.
Yuma's population practically triples during the winter. The snow birds... East Coast people who have the luxury of leaving the bitter cold. I sure don't blame them. Someone told me that I'm going to be a reverse snowbird. Running away from Yuma. ha.
Yuma is one of the hottest and sunniest places to live in the US. Highest temp in the past has been 124. Welcome to the desert and my new home.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Reflections from the Grave

This is where I died
And was reborn.
In a fire
Not metphorically or metphysically
But literally, in a fire.
I die each day with a new fire
Not my own
But everyone else's.
And there isn't enough pain medicine
Not enough to make my mind not
This is where I die each day

The pains: acheydeepdullradiatingsharpclenchingbreathtakingexquisiteconstantburningagonizingboaring